

Those were Tiffany's exact words to me last night lol...

But she should be excited! And so should you! Because the secret is out! Her new store is...

*drumroll please*


And through May 4th (which is the Monday after NSD), she's having a 35% off sale at her new store in Inspiration Lane. She has several exclusive things up already, and Jamie's Rainbow is up there if you're interested in picking that up. Pick it up while it's on sale! Help Tiffany get settled into her new store!

Oh and I should also mention, you should check out Tiff's blog while you're at it. She's thrown in a little extra special gift for you, just to sweeten the pot. Because she's just that awesome :) But you'll have to go check out her blog to figure out what it is!

I have some good news and some bad news. You need the good news first. I have come up with a different idea for my NSD freebie kit. It's MUCH better and it's actually something I would probably scrap with. I don't know cause I haven't tried yet lol (and heaven help me if I try to, that I don't absolutely hate it and want to trash it again!)...the bad news? Oh yeah. Ok well I'm stuck. My designing skills are still very limited you see, and there are a lot of things I can't do. So it won't be a total vast array of elements that are all unique from each other. This will be more of a...how would you say it?...add-on, to other kits by other designers. There are still elements that you could do a whole page with just this kit, but I know the way I scrap, I just need a variety of elements to work with. I just need to get a little bit more under my belt. But it will be ready for NSD!

Before I go, I want everybody to go back to that link to Inspiration Lane. Then I want you to head to the forums. Then I want you to sign up. They are starting their NSD festivities almost a week early! That's right, they are holding NSD festivities all week starting today. They are holding Wish-For-It days all week, challenges and some other fun stuff you don't want to miss. Then also, you should check out K-Joi on NSD, they will be holding some uber fun stuff as well. And us over at Tiff's CT may have something in store too, who knows? (Don't get your hopes up, no plans yet :D ) You'll just have to go check out all of Tiff's stores to find out!

I'd better go, I have to work today lol :P Have a good day all of you!

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